Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Class Data and Our Height

I have always enjoyed working with math. Working with numbers and graphs has always been interesting to me. My math class all wrote our height in inches on her white board. There were 22 students all from 60 inches to 72 inches. 

As the instructor was talking to the class about data, I was amazed to find out that I am the shortest student in the class. The instructor explained that we were going to put our class data on a Stem & Leaf Plot. I have always thought Stem & Leaf plots were easy to work with. On a Stem & Leaf Plot, they are used to organize the data. 

After the stem & leaf plot, the instructor showed us students how to find the frequency of the Height of Class in inches. She drew a chart (as shown below) on the white board and explained to us the importance of getting the information correct. For the frequency in the class; nine students were in the height from 60-64 inches, ten students were in the height from 65-69 inches and three students were in the height from 70-74 inches.

I always felt that graphs were fun to work with. I have always had fun constructing graphs, but it wasn't until recently that I have been introduced to a Histogram graph. When constructing a graph you must always have a title for the graph and both sides of the graph must be labeled. From the frequency chart (as shown above) the instructor showed the class how to construct a Histogram. We used the Frequency and interval (but labeled as Height in inches) for the graph.

It was a lot of fun working with the class data during this class session.


  1. I think you did a great job explaining the activity. The pictures you provided were also very helpful. I found it funny that you observed you were the shortest person in class. :)

  2. I think this is really good! I know that students would absolutely LOVE this! I remember when we did this activity it helped me wake up! :) I love that we can make many different graphs from one set of information. Very nicely done Roberta!
