Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Grab A Hand Full of Cubes

      When class started, our instructor informed that class that we were going to be working on Mode, Median and Mean of data. I felt intimidated; I have always avoided working with the three subjects. Someone would explain to me so many times what each means, but I have always forgotten. I always referred to a textbook about the definition to remind me. 
      - Mode is a list of numbers that occurs most frequently. There can be more than one mode, for example two numbers can occur more frequently.
      - Median is the "middle" or "halfway" point in a list of numbers that is arranged in increasing (or decreasing) order. 
      - Mean is the most useful, it’s the measure of central tendency, or in other words it’s the arithmetic average. 

      I felt like the little project we did in class was very helpful. Each student had to grab a handful of cubes from a box that the instructor walked around the classroom with. I grabbed 13 cubes. I was surprised because I have small hands. There were 22 students who participated. Six students grabbed 8 cubes, one student grabbed 9 cubes, two student’s grabbed 10 cubes, four students grabbed 11, four students grabbed 12, and five students grabbed 13(me being one of them). There was a total of 234 cubed drawn from the box. With the worksheet, we had to find out the Mode, Median, and the Mean. As we were working, the instructor was explaining to us about how to find each. 

      It was so much fun doing this project. I am a slow learner, but doing hands on activity helps me learn more. 


  1. It took me forever to keep mean, median, and mode, straight. I use to always get them mixed up so I can definitely understand where you are coming from. I really enjoyed this activity in class. This helped me to fully understand what each word meant and how they were used (us!). It was interesting to find out the varying heights of everyone in class. It was also interesting to find out just what the average, middle, and most common height was in class. This activity would be excellent for a lesson. I

  2. The mean, median, and modes were the most confusing topics in this class. No matter how much I tried to memorize them I always got them mixed up. I wouldn't be surprised if other people were also struggling. The class activities definitely help students grasp the concepts better. I hope to use these activities as a future reference in my classrooms. I feel sorry for the students when they try to distinguish the mean, median, and the height.

  3. This activity help me to know which group went with what, but now i know the mean, median, and mode are. Using the cubes help me see how to see each group as they were. Working with the class was also fun, finding out each height and having a good time.
